
Dr. Herbert Snow, for 25 years staff surgeon of the London Cancer Hospital stated:
"Of recent years, many men and women in prime of life, have dropped dead suddenly. I am convinced that some 80 per cent of these deaths are caused by the inoculations or vaccinations they have earlier undergone. These are well known to cause grave and permanent disease of the heart.
"The coroner always hushes it up as ‘natural causes’. I have been trying to get these cases referred to an Independent Commission of inquiry, but so far, in vain."
So far the investigations have been thwarted by committees staffed or influenced by medical men who were there to promote their own interests. Is our nation to continue on the decline until it passes into oblivion like some of the earlier nations that invited corruption for private gain. If we want to reverse the present trend we may have to take drastic action to dislodge the decadent medical system from public domination and outlaw the use and sale of poison drugs that are at present parading under the name of healing agents.
