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Reiner Fuellmich Corona Cmte
GRAND JURY - starts at c. 4hrs14
Psychologist Meridith Miller
Feb 19, 2022
world view contradicted
no ability to reconcile so great stress activates the amydala - people won't look at the evidence (or can barely look at it)
4 parameters
1 - isolation (from outside perspectives)
2 - disconnection (repetition of messaging, silencing, shaming, smearing)and perceived acts of kindness (hopium)
alt cycles of idealization and punishment
intermittent reward & punishment
people comply in hopes of getting the reward
small bits of truth - we think the truth is coming out
3 - perceived life threat leads to the feeling of FROZENESS
control is made easier, also leads to decreased immunity; numbness keeps a person locked in this state
4 - perceived inability to escape
learned hopelessness, dread, lack of creativity, loss of faith, emptiness, escape into fantasy, drugs, suicide, "resistance is futile"
clinicaltrials.gov, search on "covid 19 vaccine messaging"
(she talks about one study but there are actually many studies on this site)
NIH Yale Univ, July 2020, us natl library of medicine
outcome measures
Primary outcome measure: intention to get the vax
secondary outcome measures
- vax confidence
- persuade others
- fear of those who are unvaxxed
- social judgment of unvaxxed (trustworthiness, selfishness, likeableness, competence)
Tested the efficacy of different kinds of emotionally manipulative messages
- personal freedom
- economic freedom
- self interest
- community interest
- economic benefit
- guilt
- embarrassment
- anger
- trust in science not bravery
--Clearly, they are MANIPULATING PEOPLE to get the VAX--