someone on Minneapolis craigslist giving away free dried insects. Below is screen shot of the listing. So now it's trendy to host bug tasting parties......

tried to post a screen shot and it wouldn't load. here's the text of the listing:

My daughter and son-in-law host sampling parties with various oddball food. Recently they hosted such a party with dried edible insects. They sent the leftovers to me. I shared with my friends (some reluctantly) but now also have leftovers. We sampled all but one of the sealed packets and most found the crickets the most tasty. Tasty might be a strong word. I’d like to pass the remaining packets on to an adventurous soul who perhaps wants to host a similar party. My only request is that you don’t throw them away when done, but pass them on to another experimenter. Culinary tip: Most go well with beer. 

Insects include: weaver ants, various types of crickets (yum), cicadas, bamboo worms, earthworm jerky, silk worm pupae, termites, black ants, stink bugs, scorpion mix, grasshoppers. 

These insects are not recommended for individuals with crustacean allergies.