“It's all about mass compliance. That's going to be absolutely critical because if you don't have mass - remember this virus aerosolizes so even six feet is not enough. It can go 17 18 feet, several meters… what you really have to do is have vaccine mandates in the schools. We should have a rule that anyone who walks into a school over the age of 12 has to be vaccinated… This is the nature of the anti-vaccine movement in this country. it's somehow married now to far right-wing extremism and white nationalist groups…. Anyone who's unvaccinated and has been lucky enough to escape covid your luck is about to run out… and I call it anti-science aggression coming from Senator Rand Paul, Senator Johnson. Members of the House of Representatives in addition to those two senators are killers.”

It's all about Mass compliance - we must have vaccine mandates for children.  Take the vax or you will die. Anyone who disagrees with me is a white nationalist and a killer and probably an agent of Putin. Did we say probably? Let's revise that: certainly an agent of Putin.  

Again here is Dr Peter Hotes:

“We're starting to see now those same anti-vaccine messages that's coming out of the U.S and now we're finding it in Africa and Latin America, and remember what the other reason we're seeing this is the Putin government has - this has been reported by U. S and British intelligence - has been piling on with this whole systematic program of what's been called weaponized Health Communications, trying to destabilize democracies with anti-vaccine, anti-science messages and targeting.”

So according to British and U.S intelligence anyone who disagrees with Dr Peter Hotez is a disloyal American working to destabilize our democracy on behalf of Vladimir Putin. Now by comparison, never in his life has Bobby Kennedy Jr said anything half that demented. But keep in mind Peter Hotes claims to have a valid medical license,  he is allowed to treat patients.

After a while even MSNBC viewers were going to have some questions about a guy who talks like that and apparently some of them did. As the lockdowns were on the population started to notice that many of the core claims the TV doctors were making were untrue - you only need one shot, if you got the shot you would never get sick, you would never pass the virus to others and so on. They said these things as you know again and again. Ultimately they were proven wrong but they never admitted it they just attacked the people who noticed.

Here's Dr Peter Hotes calling for the Biden Administration to arrest anyone who questions the covet vaccine:

“The Biden Administration has to realize that that anti-science is a killer. Disinformation - it's not even just disinformation - this is an anti-science Empire right now, and we need Homeland Security, we need the justice department, we've really got to figure this out in the health in Health and Human Services will not be able to figure this out on their own.”
