2:38 AM EDT
2023 U.S. Book Show, Audiobooks. Publishing executives discussed audio books and how the industry has leveraged the fastest growing format in book publishing. This event took place at the U.S. Book Show at New York University in New York City.
American History/BookTV

3:00 AM EDT
Special Committee Meeting for the Revision of the 1974 Recommendation
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

3:19 AM EDT
2023 U.S. Book Show, Barnes & Noble CEO James Daunt. Barnes & Noble CEO James Daunt discussed the state of bookselling and how bookstores are changing to meet readers' needs. This event took place at the U.S. Book Show at New York University in New York City.
American History/BookTV

3:30 AM EDT
[11th Meeting] UNCITRAL 56th Commission Session
United Nations

3:53 AM EDT
Book Bans in the U.S. Book TV presents coverage of the 2023 U.S. Book Show. Publishers Weekly sponsored this event at New York University in New York City.
American History/BookTV

4:00 AM EDT
Humanity and Inclusion MENA Education Working Group meeting - Disability-Inclusive Education in the Middle East
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

4:00 AM EDT
2011st Meeting, 77th Session, Committee Against Torture (CAT)
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
29th Meeting - 53rd Regular Session of Human Rights Council
United Nations

4:30 AM EDT
Opening and Keynote Address on Regulating Finance for Decent Work: Bringing Capital Back In....
United Nations

5:00 AM EDT
Information Meeting on Multilingualism
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

5:00 AM EDT
Webinar 9 of the Maldives E-Learning Empowerment Programme for the National Trade Facilitation Committee
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)

5:12 AM EDT
Digital Trends in Libraries. Book TV presents coverage of the 2023 U.S. Book Show. Publishers Weekly sponsored this event at New York University in New York City.
American History/BookTV

5:45 AM EDT
The President meets with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak of the United Kingdom
Official Schedule
President Biden Meets with British Prime Minister Sunak
President Biden meets with U.K. Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in London.

6:00 AM EDT
World Meteorological Organization of the United Nations (WMO) Press Conference: Record Land and Sea Surface Temperatures
United Nations

6:00 AM EDT
About Books: About Books on Higher Education in Prison. Author and book reviewer Brooke Allen discussed what she learned about higher education from teaching a for-credit college program at a men’s maximum-security prison. About Books also reported on the latest publishing industry news and current non-fiction books.
American History/BookTV