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Tiffany mp4
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[Rules Committee Hearing]Tiffany: Yeah, I'd like to if I may just close with a coup three comments., your colleague on this said we were attacking New Mexico. No, that's not it at all. This isn't against the people of the state of New Mexico. 
Number two, we've heard a lot about gun violence today and the gentleman from Texas just alluded to some of this. We have prosecutors in cities that do not prosecute crime anymore.And I'm gonna give you a quick example in Milwaukee County in my state. Here was his quote from about 15 years ago.Is it possible someone will be killed as a result of a parole or diversion that comes through my office?Absolutely. But that does not change the fact that we should be doing what we're doing to change.How we go about prosecuting crime. He's accepting of it. We have prosecutors that don't prosecute crime. You wonder why people commit more crime? We had to defund the police movement.I mean, is it any surprise that that's happened and look at what's been on the, on all the television stations that I've seen the cable networks over the last 24 hours is the officer that was assassinated in Los Angeles,it is open season on law enforcement in America since the riots of 2020.

I live in one of the most rural districts that you'll find in the United States largest community of 50,000 people. We have had three officers in 2023 that have been gunned down. The last one was in just across the border from the twin cities and that person that came out, came out and gunned down, that sheriff's deputy was out as a result of a violent crime that they only served four years for. We wonder why there's violence that continues to escalate in America.

And the final thing that I will say make no doubt about it. This may be one governor in the United States of America, but there's a whole lot of elected officials around America in particular on the other side of the aisle that are quietly applauding this and that's why this resolution is so important. We need to send the message that we will stand up for the second amendment to the constitution because if they could take the guns, they will. And all you have to do is look at Australia and countries like that where the exact thing has happened. That is why this resolution is important. We need to stand up for our constitutional rights every day of the year.