Trudeau government 'blocked' CSIS operation in B.C. that would have dismantled Indian intelligence networks: report

 The secretive June 2019 report, Canadian Eyes Only, claimed 'political sensitivity' for the feds blocking the operation that would have ended Indian surveillance of the Sikh community on Canadian soil.

The federal government lacks a backbone on Chinese interference — we've known this for years — but now, we can add India to the list of countries with no regard for Canadian sovereignty.

According to a confidential Canadian foreign interference review, Ottawa blocked intelligence officials in 2017 from shutting down a growing Indian intelligence network — owing to fears it would have repercussions for the Canadian delegates heading to India the following year. 

The secretive June 2019 report, Canadian Eyes Only, claimed "political sensitivity" for blocking the operation that would have ended Indian surveillance of the Sikh community on Canadian soil.

As a result, the Indian diplomat targeted by CSIS continued to operate their networks out of Vancouver "unabated," as first reported by The Bureau.

According to the publication, the top secret document says the feds failed to act on CSIS warnings that Chinese and Indian diplomats intimidated diaspora communities.