thumbnail of 2023-09-21_mr.haleman.mp4
thumbnail of 2023-09-21_mr.haleman.mp4
2023-09-21... mp4
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thumbnail of GFD_flightradar24.PNG
GFD_flightradar24 PNG
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thumbnail of Post 1845.PNG
Post 1845 PNG
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Question is are they landing at a military base?

@mr.haleman 🇺🇸
"...German Military Defense Contractor decided to take a U-turn right over Shasta Dam" [Embed] [Embed]

GFD Gesellschaft für Flugzieldarstellung
About GFD
The company’s headquarters are situated on the Hohn Bundeswehr airbase near Rendsburg. The company currently employs a workforce of around 250 people at different locations throughout Germany, of which over 100 are former flight crew members of the Air Force and Navy, who are deployed at GFD as Learjet pilots or operators as well as civil simulator instructors for the Eurofighter, Tornado and A400M simulators of the German Air Force.

The GFD Aviation division concentrates mainly on the field of aerial target simulation with tactical training scenarios for the German armed forces as well as flight inspection operations at military airfields of the German Armed Forces.
Operations for Government departments, the defence industry, NATO member states and partners as well as civil contracts for research institutes also form part of GFD's range of services.
With its own Maintenance Organisation according to EASA Part 145 and a Design Organisation according to EASA Part 21 J, GFD is able to update the aircraft with new technology according to customer requirements.

Learjet 35A / 36A
Max. flight distance: 	
LR-35A: 1700NM (with extended Tip Tanks 1900 NM)
LR-36A: 2100NM
Altitude: 45000 ft
Speed: 350 kts / 0,81 Mach
Engines: Honeywell TFE 731-2C-2B max thrust 3500 lbs
The high-performance Learjets have hardpoints for mounting external loads under the wings as well as Mission Power of high current systems and can be adapted and converted for different mission training in a very short time.