September 24, 2023
4:15 AM EDT
Tim Giago "Children Left Behind". Oglala Lakota journalist and author Tim Giago wrote his first book, Children Left Behind: The Dark Legacy of Indian Mission Boarding Schools, at the age of 17. Mr. Giago talked about his experience at the Holy Rosary Mission school and of those Native American families who felt their Lakota identity and culture were repressed. The book served as the beginning of a long career as a Native American journalist.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
4:15 AM EDT
James Risen and Thomas Risen, "The Last Honest Man". Journalists James and Thomas Risen talked about Sen. Frank Church (D-ID) and the committee he headed in 1975-76 that investigated abuses by U.S. intelligence agencies. Four former Church Committee members participated in the discussion. This event was held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
4:30 AM EDT
Rita Roberts, "I Can't Wait to Call You My Wife". Author Rita Roberts talked about letters between African American families during the Civil War era. The Massachusetts Historical Society in Boston hosted this program.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
5:20 AM EDT
James Risen and Thomas Risen, "The Last Honest Man". Journalists James and Thomas Risen talked about Sen. Frank Church (D-ID) and the committee he headed in 1975-76 that investigated abuses by U.S. intelligence agencies. Four former Church Committee members participated in the discussion. This event was held at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
7:00 AM EDT
George Washington Book Prize Finalists. Finalists for the 2023 George Washington Book Prize discussed their books on the founding era. The George Washington Prize is an annual award sponsored by the Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History, Washington College, and George Washington's Mount Vernon.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
8:00 AM EDT
Walter Isaacson, "Elon Musk". Walter Isaacson examined Elon Musk's life and career in tech, including his takeover of Twitter, now called X. Held at the Sidwell Friends School in Washington, D.C., this was hosted by Politics & Prose Bookstore.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
9:00 AM EDT
Dr. Ben Carson, "Created Equal". Dr. Ben Carson, HUD Secretary under President Trump, talked about his book "Created Equal" and suggested ways to preserve the American Dream for generations to come. This event, held at Roanoke College in Virginia, was hosted by the Young America's Foundation.
American History/BookTV

September 24, 2023
9:00 AM EDT
Warriors At Ease Training
National Veterans Memorial And Museum (NVMM) Columbus, Ohio

September 24, 2023
9:00 AM EDT
Family Activity
National Museum of the United States Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia

September 24, 2023
9:30 AM EDT
Sweat Like A Mother (Slam) Workout
National Veterans Memorial And Museum (NVMM) Columbus, Ohio

September 24, 2023
10:00 AM EDT
Washington This Week

September 24, 2023
10:00 AM EDT
After Words: Meg Kissinger, "While You Were Out - An Intimate Family Portrait of Mental Illness in an Era of Silence"
Meg Kissinger talks about her family’s struggle with mental illness and her coverage of mental health care in America as a journalist.