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(131.24 KB, 596x440) Stew Peters presents this testimony from Dr. Bryan Ardis. Watch the Water one hour APRIL 11, 2022 Remdesivir - knew when Fauci announced it in May 2020 it was toxic. In Jan 2022, it was authorized to be the only drug to be used for NEWBORNS (and for children). Monoclonal antibody treatments are no longer allowed. Ardis saw studies that seemed to show possible problems with monoclonal antibodies. Medical doctor he admires and loves - "you don't have to fear Covid" Dec 1 2021 - got an email from him asking, "if you got bit by a snake, would you get anti-venom?" Steve Kirtch - if CDC says 'do this', do the opposite. Same with FDA, NIH. IVM, NAC, HCQ, monoclonal antibodies - condemned by them. Why? Because they work. Stew Peters - How would the masses be affected by snake venom? [answer below] MSM use FACT CHECKING to take use back to FALSE NARRATIVE. Early studies focused on more than bats - snakes too. Fact checkers deny snakes are involved with Covid. They kept turning the focus back from snakes to BATS. April 2020: Genetic sequences of people who were sick with covid were found to be most like snake venom. COVID = SNAKE VENOM; Monoclonal antibodies = SNAKE ANTI-VENOM. King Cobra and Chinese Crate snake venom. Spike protein associated with these. Dr Bing Liu was looking at the sequencing of spike proteins, U of Pittsburg - was shot dead. May 2020. Was going to announce his findings after 5 mos of study. Nothing was ever published. Why not? [Bing Liu, a 37-year-old assistant professor at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, was found dead in his house on Saturday...Colleagues said he was close to making "significant findings" on his studies of Covid-19, sparking online speculation it was an assassination. - May 7 2000] COVID 19 is NOT a virus. IT IS VENOM POISONING. There is only one drug that cannot be administered at the same time as Remdesivir: HCQ. HCQ NEGATES the effects of Remdesivir. 2020 Jan - 10 year study was published gene mapping all the genes of King Cobra venom. 19 toxic venom proteins. Funding: Genentech, subsidiary of Roche, which is owned by Gilead. Gilead bought 2 facilities dealing with biological studies - including King Cobra study. Gilead manufactures remdesirvir. Since 2005, it's been known that HCQ blocks remdesivir from being absorbed. Jan 2021 - every practitioner has to evaluate blood clotting time before and during treatment bc it increases it. This is what snake venom does. News Report: Why do some people die from covid while others don't? has to do with an enzyme found in rattlesnake venom. People who die from covid have a high level of an enzyme associated with snake venom. Comes from REMDESIVIR. What is more evil than en-venomating the ENTIRE WORLD. Right out of the BIBLE. the 19 toxins in snake venom each target different organs - pancreas in a diabetic, liver in a hepatitis patient, etc. Symbol of EVIL in Christianity. Packaged in a way (in lipid nano particles) to make it MORE STABLE in the fake vaxxes. He thinks cobra venom was delivered via the WATER. Hence the title - WATCH THE WATER.