October 8, 2023
6:55 PM EDT
Mauro Guillén, "The Perennials - The Megatrends Creating a Postgenerational Society". Wharton School professor Mauro Guillen discussed how changes in demographics and technology are altering future generations look at life and work. The Commonwealth Club in San Francisco hosted this program.
American History/BookTV

October 8, 2023
8:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: C.S. Lewis & Natural Law. Calvin University Professor Micah Watson discussed C.S. Lewis's views on law, politics and government and how they connected to his Christian beliefs. This lecture took place at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
American History/BookTV

October 8, 2023
8:00 PM EDT
Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt". Amber Athey, Washington editor for the Spectator, argued that "woke" millennials now working in the media are changing American mainstream journalism for the worse. This event was hosted by the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women in Virginia.
American History/BookTV

October 8, 2023
9:04 PM EDT
Lectures in History: C.S. Lewis & Natural Law. Calvin University Professor Micah Watson discussed C.S. Lewis's views on law, politics and government and how they connected to his Christian beliefs. This lecture took place at the Acton Institute for the Study of Religion and Liberty in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
American History/BookTV

October 8, 2023
9:05 PM EDT
Dr. Anupam Jena & Dr. Christopher Worsham, "Random Acts of Medicine". Doctors Anupam Jena and Christopher Worsham looked at the unknown factors that can affect your health and the quality of healthcare you receive. This event was hosted by Harvard Book Store.
American History/BookTV

October 8, 2023
10:00 PM EDT
After Words: Melissa Kearney, "The Two-Parent Privilege"
Economist Melissa Kearney argues that the decline in two-parent married households is a driving factor in many of America's economic issues. She was interviewed by American Enterprise Institute's Center on Opportunity and Social Mobility director Scott Winship.

October 8, 2023
11:00 PM EDT
Amber Athey, "The Snowflakes' Revolt". Amber Athey, Washington editor for the Spectator, argued that "woke" millennials now working in the media are changing American mainstream journalism for the worse. This event was hosted by the Clare Boothe Luce Center for Conservative Women in Virginia.
American History/BookTV
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