Joe Rogan_sleeper... mp4
(4.3 MB, 546x312 h264)
(4.3 MB, 546x312 h264)
[Besides the fact Rogan looks completely stoned. Notice how Russia, Russia, Russia is dropped. Look here not there...]
If something happens tomorrow...
If something happens tomorrow on global jihad day after having millions of migrants and potential terrorists flooding into the US without question, we should all be 100% positive that it was an engineered and orchestrated destabilizing event. Zero doubt.
The only questions would be if our government was complicit/solely responsible, or if it was just an external force like Russia or Iran. Obviously if it was an inside job, they'd still claim it was an attack by a foreign nation to cover their ass, but it'd be war abroad regardless.
What better way to collapse the economy and get the great reset than bringing in a bunch of violent migrants to bring the country into chaos and martial law, economic collapse, and then the new totalitarian system they've been so eager to implement. Digital currencies, digital passports, debt reset, and all their other communist Orwellian insanity.
It would also make everyone forget about what they just did to us with COVID with the fear level being high enough to where most people would just submit and obey right away without question. All it would take is some gunfire in every city and a few bombs domestically and everyone would be begging for safety and protection of the gov't, granting them whatever new power they want, which they never give back).
Also telling the world when you plan to do Jihad is clearly counterintuitive and idiotic, and should be a surprise so we're not prepared for it, so it's clear they're preparing us to respond in a certain way. We're in unprecedented times with so many psyops and events converging on one another, and I think a lot of us feel like it's contrived and disingenuous so we're trying to stay above it with asking questions.
People might call you a schizo for the speculation, but you need to be asking these kinds of questions like @joerogan and be insatiably curious about the possibilities, motivations, financial incentives, all of it.
We're watching societal engineering professionals who have perfected the art of propaganda, mind control, and behavioral manipulation trying to convince us of something or steer us in a certain direction, and to escape the lies and inversions you have to ask questions and entertain possibilities, aka conspiracies.