October 14, 2023
6:40 PM EDT
Post-World War II Cold War. A Herbert Hoover Presidential Library conference reconsidered the 31st president's World War II-era views and politics. Mr. Hoover's Cold War views were the subject of a talk by UCLA history professor Kevin Kim. The Hoover Presidential Library is in West Branch, Iowa.
American History/BookTV

October 14, 2023
7:00 PM EDT
NIH Philharmonia Concert Presents Epic Moments
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

October 14, 2023
7:59 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Colonial Tensions Before The Revolution. Ithaca College professor Michael Trotti discussed the escalating tensions between colonists and the British government before the American Revolution. Ithaca College is located in New York.
American History/BookTV

October 14, 2023
8:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Colonial Tensions Before The Revolution. Ithaca College professor Michael Trotti discussed the escalating tensions between colonists and the British government before the American Revolution. Ithaca College is located in New York.
American History/BookTV

October 14, 2023
8:30 PM EDT
The President's Own United States Marine Band - Cedar Falls, Iowa
U.S. Marine Band "The President's Own"

October 14, 2023
8:59 PM EDT
The Presidency: Obama Administration Executive Branch Policy Making. New York's Hofstra University hosted a three-day conference on Barack Obama's presidency, including a discussion on executive branch policy making. Speakers included Obama White House chief of staff Jacob Lew and author Chris Whipple.
American History/BookTV

October 14, 2023
9:00 PM EDT
Reel America: "Turning of the Tide" - 1951. This U.S. Army report describes events in Korea from August 10 to September 20, 1950 when U.S.- led forces in South Korea were in retreat, then held the line and carried out several counterattacks. The film shows the arrival of British forces, air support operations, defensive operations around Pusan, and the invasion of Inchon by General MacArthur and a subsequent drive to retake the capitall city of Seoul near the 38th parallel.
American History/BookTV

October 14, 2023
9:00 PM EDT
Sir Antony Fisher Annual Gala Dinner
Pacific Research Institute

October 14, 2023
9:30 PM EDT
The Presidency: Obama Administration Foreign Policies. New York's Hofstra University hosted a three-day conference on Barack Obama's presidency, including a discussion on his foreign policies. Speakers included New York Times White House reporter Peter Baker and Obama administration deputy national security adviser Benjamin Rhodes.
American History/BookTV