What you are about to hear is an unimaginable crime against humanity.

Maui 911 Calls During Lahaina Fire
Hawaii Real Estate

Please visit these 3 links to 1) Fill online form for a "Request for Service" about fire hydrants not working in Lahaina 2) Fill out online form Ethics Complaint against any Maui County employee or council member 3) If you live in Maui County and would like the Mayor Recalled Please sign the petition. 

Fill Out of "Request for Service" Online form with Maui County for non working fire hydrants Goto https://www.mauicounty.gov/2024/COM-C...

FILE ETHICS COMPLAINT https://mauicounty-maui-county-hi.app... 
Be Sure to 
Site Section 10 4.1 (g) Violation
RECALL Mayor Bissen http://www.RecallMauiMayor.com (sign if you live in Maui County)