2:30 PM EDT
How Community Development Financial Institutions Promote Housing and Economic Opportunity
Senate Banking, Housing, and Urban Affairs Committee
Ms. Julia Nelmark
President And Chief Executive Officer
Midwest Minnesota Community Development Corporation
Ms. Renay Dossman
President And Chief Executive Officer
Neighborhood Development Center
Ms. Chrystel Cornelius
President And Chief Executive Officer
Oweesta Corporation
Housing Finance Leaders Testify on Community Development Financial Institutions
A Senate Banking subcommittee holds a hearing to examine the impact of Community Development Financial Institutions on economic opportunity.

2:30 PM EDT
Closed Briefing: Intelligence Matters
Senate Intelligence (Select) Committee

3:00 PM EDT
Stuart A. Reid: The Lumumba Plot: The Secret History Of The CIA And A Cold War Assassination (Knopf, 2023)
Hoover Institution

3:00 PM EDT
UK’s First Sea Lord, Admiral Sir Ben Key, on the Royal Navy
Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS)

3:00 PM EDT
Development of Electrified Processes for Decentralized Water Quality Monitoring and Treatment
Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health

3:30 PM EDT
Health Policy Colloquium Series: Alexandra Rivera, PhD
The University of California, Berkeley, School of Public Health

3:30 PM EDT
Vice President Harris continues her nationwide “Fight for Our Freedoms" College Tour by participating in a moderated conversation with students at Northern Arizona University.
Flagstaff, Arizona

3:45 PM EDT
Acting Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland meets with the J Street Board of Directors
Department of State

4:00 PM EDT
Effects of International Affairs News Reporting on Knowledge and Perceptions - A Study of U.S. Residents and Foreign Affairs Elite | Andrew Shaver
Stanford Center for International Security and Cooperation Is a Center of the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies

4:00 PM EDT
Assistant Secretary of State for Educational and Cultural Affairs Lee Satterfield attends a celebration of the U.S. return to the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, hosted by First Lady Jill Biden
Washington, D.C.

4:00 PM EDT
Weekly Weather and Crop Bulletin - Released No Later Than 4:00 p.m. ET Every Tuesday (Or Second Business Day)
National Agricultural Statistics Service and World Agricultural Outlook Board, U.S. Department of Agriculture

4:30 PM EDT
Pritzker Fellow Larry Hogan on "Reflections from the Red Governor of a Blue State"
University of Chicago Institute of Politics