WAPO gawkes in secret at then promotes the ghoolish destruction of Robert E. Lee statue. 

Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace

The Washington Post
Charlottesville’s Robert E. Lee statue has met its end, in a 2,250-degree furnace. 
The divisive Confederate monument, the focus of the deadly “Unite the Right” rally in 2017, was secretly melted down and will become a new piece of public art. 
More on the process: https://wapo.st/3s6HsFm

The Washington Post
The statue’s defenders more recently sought to block the city from handing over Lee to the Charlottesville’s Black history museum, which had proposed a plan to repurpose the metal. In a lawsuit, those plaintiffs suggested the monument should remain intact or be turned into Civil War cannons.

But on Saturday the museum went ahead with its plan in secret at this small Southern foundry, in a town and state The Washington Post agreed not to name because of participants’ fears of violence.
