thumbnail of Ben Gurion canal possible paths.PNG
thumbnail of Ben Gurion canal possible paths.PNG
Ben Gurion... PNG
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thumbnail of Suez Canal Monthly Revenue.PNG
Suez Canal Monthly... PNG
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Initial plan in 1963
One path studied took a straighter line through the Negev Desert hills, another path studied went North through the Arabah valley and cut west before the Dead Sea basin through the hills and curves North again above the Gaza Strip.
In July 1963, the United States Department of Energy and the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory created a classified document that outlined a plan to use 520 buried nuclear explosions to help in the excavation process through the hills in the Negev Desert. The document was declassified in 1993.[3][4] 

declassified memorandum -
[3]Use of Nuclear Explosives for Excavation of Sea-Level Canal Across Negev Desert

[4] "The US had a plan in the 1960s to blast an alternative Suez Canal through Israel using 520 nuclear bombs" Business Insider. Retrieved 2023-11-01.