Just hope you have a wood stove 
Alberta’s 44 wind farms operated at 0.3% capacity on Wednesday


An analysis of wind power generation in Alberta found that despite the province’s 44 wind farms, they managed to only produce 0.3% of their total capacity on Wednesday night. 

This is according to the outlet Pipeline Online, which tracks wind power generation on a regular basis. 

Data from the Alberta Electric System Operator (AESO) showed that wind power output dropped to as low as 14 megawatts out of the 4,420 megawatts total capacity on Wednesday night. 

That means only 0.3% of the available wind power was being generated.

Solar power was also at zero output, as expected during nighttime hours, out of 1,470 megawatts. 

The combined output of wind and solar was therefore 0.2% of maximum capacity.