2:30 AM EST
Investing in the Future: Transforming Financing for the Paris Agreement & Development Goals - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD); United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
2:30 AM EST
Achieving Climate Targets in the Transport Sector: Can Renewables Pave the Way? - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Renewable Energy Policy Network (REN21); Asociación Civil Sustentar para el Desarrollo Sostenible (Sustentar); International Association of Public Transport (UITP); International Union of Railways (UIC)
2:30 AM EST
Tourism United for Climate Action – Delivering on the Commitments of the Glasgow Declaration - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
World Tourism Organization (UNWTO); Secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC); United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
2:30 AM EST
How Animal-Sourced Food Nourish the World in Times of Climate Change - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
International Dairy Federation (IDF); European Dairy Association (EDA)
2:30 AM EST
From Policy to Practice: Ethical Considerations and HR Implications for L&D Funding Arrangement - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
The Lutheran World Federation (LWF); All Africa Conference of Churches (AACC); Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University (BKWSU); Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)
2:30 AM EST
Electrifying Cooking: A Just Journey Towards Net-zero: The path to global net zero is based on electrification. Africa and Asia are willing to take this journey alongside the rest of the world. With large proportions of their populations (2.3 billion) still using biomass for their cooking that pose health, environment and climate negative effects, electric cooking offers a way of leveraging the path to net zero for a just energy transition. Global eCooking Coalition (GeCCo) will present action plans and mobilize finance across the board. Government leaders will showcase how they have begun the eCooking transition by working with GeCCo to showcase opportunities in the future. - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
IFRC; ITU; UN DRR; WMO; COP28 Presidency
2:40 AM EST
Energy Transition – How to Unlock Growth and Scalability for the Energy Transition? Explore the challenges faced by 30 prominent clean energy tech companies in achieving technology maturity and global expansion. Join Princeville Capital in a mini-panel discussion as they share insights gathered from these companies' experiences, engaging with CEOs and energy industry leaders to unlock the potential for energy transition growth. - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Princeville Capital