7:45 AM EST
Stories & Realities From Ground & Community Suffering on Loss and Damage in Mountains & Lowland-Globalsouth: Loss and Climate Loss and Damage Climate Fund Loss and Damage Climate Finance - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Digo Bikas Institute (DBI); Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC); LDC Watch
7:45 AM EST
Transformative Climate Services for Decision-Makers Based on Observational Data: Observations of greenhouse gases/climate forcers are key to design climate services meeting the needs of decision-makers. The co-design of these services allows in turn to improve observational networks. Examples (incl. localized youth-driven pilots in cities) will be presented with focus on Africa. - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Integrated Carbon Observation System European Research Infrastructure Consortium (ICOS ERIC); University of Helsinki (UH); University of Turku (UTU)
7:45 AM EST
Just Energy Transition in South Asia - Positioning Health as a Positive Outcome: The fossil fuel-dependent economic growth is damaging the environment. Inclusive transitioning to RE via inter-generational collaboration is key. Integrating public health into plans ensures positive outcomes for just transition and promoting green jobs. - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI); Center for Natural Resource Studies (CNRS); CHD Group (Center for Health and Developm); Indian Youth Climate Network (IYCN)
7:45 AM EST
Cultivating Resilience: Communities, Fish, and Drylands: Scientists, policymakers, and civil society from global to local level share groundbreaking approaches in dryland farming with integrated crop-aquatic food systems for a food- and nutrition-secure future and resilient dryland livelihoods for millions. - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
International Center for Agricultural Research in the Dry Areas (ICARDA); International Center for Living Aquatic Resources Management (WorldFish); Watershed Organisation Trust (WOTR)
7:45 AM EST
Data, Digital Tools, Research, Education & Gamification for All of Society ClimateAction Empowerment: Citizens & Youth Climate Action Empowerment powered by GloCha & Climate Chain Coalition; Mass mobilization with DigitalArt4Climate, climate education & skills dev innovation, the Long Game, COP28 Digital Innovation Pavilion, resource mobilization innovation, Hack for Earth, ClimateScience, Cities - 2023 UN Climate Change Conference, United Arab Emirates (UNFCCC COP 28)
Climate Chain Coalition (CCC); International Association for the Advancement of Innovative Approaches to Global Challenges (IAAI); Joanneum Research (JR)
8:00 AM EST
Washington Journal: Join us with your calls and comments on social media as we review the latest news headlines out of Washington.
8:00 AM EST
The Armed Conflict Survey 2023 Launch
International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS)