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Army Soldier Files Criminal Complaint Against Commanding General for Unlawful Retaliation – in Violating His Whistleblower Status
The Gateway Pundit reported that the U.S. military punished service members who had religious objections and exercised their legal rights to refuse the COVID mandate. One of the targets of this vindictive behavior is former Army medical officer and whistleblower First Lieutenant Mark Bashaw. In June, five months after the vaccine mandate was rescinded, Bashaw was booted from the military. Now, Bashaw has lodged a complaint against his commanding officer, Major General Robert Edmonson, alleging that he was unlawfully retaliated against for charging that the Pentagon’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate was unlawful.
Bashaw tells The Gateway Pundit, “My duty as a military medical officer, and an Army officer in general, was to communicate issues properly to my chain of command, which I did. After which, they retaliated against me for a total of 573 days before I was unlawfully discharged on 26 June 2023.”