December 31, 2023
6:57 PM EST
National Portrait Gallery 1898 Exhibit. American History TV toured the Smithsonian National Portrait Gallery's "1898" exhibit -- which brings together portraits of the major players in the Spanish-American War, and illustrates the expansion of U.S. interests and influence abroad in that era.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
7:00 PM EST
100th Anniversary of Big Ben Broadcast
Big Ben will be struck 12 times on New Year’s Eve at precisely midnight London time.
December 31, 2023
7:27 PM EST
Discussion on American and Chinese Naval Power. Rear Admiral Michael McDevitt, Ret. ("China as a 21st Century Naval Power"), Brent Sadler ("U.S. Naval Power in the 21st Century"), and Xiaobing Li ("China's New Navy") talked about the competition between the U.S. and Chinese navies. This event was hosted by the U.S. Naval Institute in Annapolis, Maryland.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
7:58 PM EST
Author Discussion on Black Life & the State of Democracy. Authors Heather Cox Richardson ("Democracy Awakening") and Tracy Smith ("To Free the Captives") discussed attacks on American Democracy and the state of Black communities. This event took place at the 2023 Miami Book Fair.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
8:00 PM EST
Lectures in History: Legacy of President Jimmy Carter. Marquette University political science professor Julia Azari taught a class on the life and presidency of Jimmy Carter. Marquette University is located in Milwaukee.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
8:00 PM EST
Q&A: Craig Fehrman
Craig Fehrman talked about his book, Author in Chief: The Untold Story of Our Presidents and the Books They Wrote, in which he analyzed American presidents through the lens of the works they have written.
December 31, 2023
9:10 PM EST
Reel America: How to Carve Meat - 1959. This 1959 Swift & Company sponsored film demonstrated how to carve different types and cuts of meat. It starred television comedian Harvey Korman who learned carving techniques from Swift's home economist. It was released as "Carving Magic." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
9:31 PM EST
The Presidency: Pat Nixon & Betty Ford. First ladies Pat Nixon and Betty Ford, who served back-to-back terms in the White House from 1969-77, were remembered at a luncheon hosted by the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Foundation. Speakers included Mrs. Nixon's son-in-law, Edward Cox, and Mrs. Ford's daughter, Susan Ford Bales.
American History/BookTV
December 31, 2023
9:42 PM EST
Author Discussion on Human Learning. Authors Simon Winchester ("Knowing What We Know") and Adam Gopnik ("The Real Work") discussed the human capacity for acquiring knowledge and mastering a skill. This event took place at the 2023 Miami Book Fair.
American History/BookTV