Post-Quantum: Cybersecurity Speaker Series - Bailey Bickley, this season’s host of NSA’s Cybersecurity Speaker Series, speaks with Adrian Stanger and Bill Layton on preparing for Post-Quantum. For more on cybersecurity at NSA, and to find out when our next Speaker Series video is posted, follow us on Twitter @NSACyber
National Security Agency

Five Cryptologic Giants to be Inducted into NSA's Cryptologic Hall of Honor

NSA Publishes 2023 Cybersecurity Year in Review

European Union: European Data Protection Board Publishes Urgent Binding Decision Banning Meta's Personalized Advertising Practice

Scotland: Court Upholds UK Government Order to Block Gender Recognition Bill from Becoming Law

January 21, 2024 - January 24, 2024
National Cap Conference “Stand Up For Our Future”
United Auto Workers (UAW)

JANUARY 24, 1995
1995 State of the Union Address
In his State of the Union address President Clinton called for a new social compact in which Americans exercise their rights and their responsibilities to their families, neighbors, and country. The president spoke of the economic progress of the past two years, lower federal budget deficits, higher employment, and higher productivity. Other topics included campaign finance reform, lobbying reform, the Republican-proposed balanced budget amendment, welfare reform, health care reform, a proposal to raise the federal minimum wage, the proposed Middle Class Bill of Rights, the line-item veto, a limit on unfunded mandates, action to curb illegal immigration, a reduction in federal regulations, and a federal effort aimed at teenage pregnancy. close 

JANUARY 24, 2018
White House Daily Briefing
Sarah Sanders took reporters' questions at the daily briefing. She said the Trump administration plans to release its immigration legislative framework on January 29, 2017. In addition, she addressed the Justice Department actions in requesting documents from nearly two dozen “sanctuary cities” to determine whether they are illegally withholding information from U.S. immigration authorities. Press Secretary Sanders said, “We can’t allow people to pick and choose what laws they want to follow,” and that the White House does not support “sanctuary cities.” 

January 24, 2024
International Day of Education
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

January 24, 2024
3:00 AM EST
Mauritius Review - 45th Session of Universal Periodic Review - Review of Mauritius - 45th Session of Universal Periodic Review
United Nations

4:00 AM EST
2771st Meeting, 95th Session, Committee on the Rights of the Child (CRC) Consideration of Lithuania (cont'd)
United Nations