January 28, 2024
3:57 AM EST
Historic Campaign Speeches: Ronald Reagan 1984 Iowa Caucus Speech. President Ronald Reagan spoke at the Iowa Republican Caucus Kickoff. President Reagan highlighted his first term accomplishments and his plans for his next term.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
4:15 AM EST
The Declaration of Independence. The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., hosted a discussion commemorating the upcoming 250th anniversary of America's 1776 Declaration of Independence. This conversation was dedicated to the founding document itself.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
5:26 AM EST
American Freedom & Democracy. The American Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C., hosted a discussion commemorating the upcoming 250th anniversary of America's 1776 Declaration of Independence. This conversation highlighted America's democratic origins and how those ideas have prevailed into the present.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
6:45 AM EST
Reel America: "Mob and Riot Control" - 1964. This police training film on how to properly handle protests and civil disturbances covers techniques for mob control and the use of equipment such as tear gas, smoke, and batons. The film is co-presented by educational film company Charles Cahill and Associates and Federal Laboratories, Inc., which was a manufacturer of a popular riot gun used to fire tear gas.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
7:00 AM EST
Washington Journal: 01/28/2024
Washington Journal provides a forum for lawmakers and journalists to discuss key topics surrounding today's legislation.
January 28, 2024
7:00 AM EST
Free to Choose: Milton Friedman on The Great Depression. Nobel Prize-winning economist Milton Friedman advocates for free market principles in the 1980 public TV series “Free to Choose.”
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
8:00 AM EST
Alejandra Campoverdi, "First Gen - A Memoir". Former aide to President Obama, Alejandra Campoverdi spoke about the trade-offs she faced as a first-generation Latina striving for the 'American Dream.' Books and Books in Coral Gables, Florida, hosted this event.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
9:00 AM EST
Alex Tapscott, "Web3". Alex Tapscott described how blockchain decentralization might change the internet. This event was hosted at Huntington Place in Detroit.
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
9:00 AM EST
Family Activity
National Museum of the United States Army, Fort Belvoir, Virginia
January 28, 2024
9:00 AM EST
Poetry in the Parks - Humans in Relationship to Nature with Jodie Hollander
Saguaro National Park, Arizona
January 28, 2024
10:00 AM EST
After Words: Donald McNeil, "The Wisdom of Plagues - Lessons from 25 Years of Covering Pandemics". Journalist Donald McNeil spoke about what he's learned from covering pandemics for twenty-five years for the New York Times. He was interviewed by Science Magazine senior correspondent Jon Cohen
American History/BookTV
January 28, 2024
10:00 AM EST
Sensory-Friendly Day
National Constitution Center