10:00 AM EST
Quality of Life Review – Perspective from Senior Enlisted Leaders
House Armed Services Committee
Sergeant Major Troy E. Black
Senior Enlisted Advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
Office of the Secretary of Defense
Sergeant Major Michael R. Weimer
Sergeant Major of the Army
Department of the Army
Master Chief Petty Officer James M. Honea
Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy
Department of the Navy
Sergeant Major Carlos A. Ruiz
Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps
Department of the Navy, USMC
Chief Master Sergeant Joanne S. Bass
Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force
Department of the Air Force
Chief Master Sergeant John F. Bentivegna
Chief Master Sergeant of the Space Force
Department of the Air Force, USSF
Marine Corps Sgt. Maj. Troy E. Black, senior enlisted advisor to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Sgt. Major of the Army Michael R. Weimer; Master Chief Petty Officer of the Navy James N. Honea; Sgt. Major of the Marine Corps Carlos A. Ruiz; Chief Master Sgt. of the Air Force Joanne S. Bass; and Chief Master Sgt. of the Space Force John F. Bentivegna provide testimony at 10 a.m. EST at a House Armed Services Committee Quality of Life Panel hearing, Washington, D.C.

10:00 AM EST
Creating a Culture of Fiscal Responsibility: Assessing the Role of the Congressional Budget Office
House Budget Committee
The Honorable Phillip Swagel
Director, Congressional Budget Office

10:00 AM EST
Health Care Spending in the United States: Unsustainable for Patients, Employers, and Taxpayers
House Energy and Commerce Committee
Dr. Chapin White, Ph.D., Director of Health Analysis, Congressional Budget Office
Ms. Sophia Tripoli, MPH, Senior Director of Health Policy, Families USA
Mr. Kevin Lyons, Plan Administrator, New Jersey State Policemen’s Benevolent Association, Inc.
Dr. Benedic Ippolito, Ph.D., M.S., Senior Fellow, American Enterprise Institute
Ms. Katie Martin, MPA, President and CEO, Health Care Cost Institute

10:00 AM EST
Avoiding, Detecting, and Capturing Methane Emissions from Landfills
Senate Environment and Public Works Committee
Tia Scarpelli, Ph.D.
Research Scientist & Waste Sector Lead
Carbon Mapper
Tom Frankiewicz
Subject Matter Expert, Waste Methane
Rocky Mountain Institute
Anne Germain P.E., BCEE
Chief Operating Officer & SVP of Regulatory Affairs
National Waste & Recycling Association