February 11, 2024
2:00 AM EST
The Civil War: Elizabeth Varon, "Longstreet". Author Elizabeth Varon discussed Confederate General James Longstreet, who later embraced Reconstruction and became an outcast in the South. The Atlanta History Center hosted this program.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
2:36 AM EST
The Presidency: 200 Years of the 1823 Monroe Doctrine. What is the Monroe Doctrine, and why does it define President James Monroe's legacy? The National Archives hosted a conversation about Monroe's 1823 annual message to Congress and its influence on American policy in the Western Hemisphere over the last 200 years.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
3:05 AM EST
Stuart Reid, "The Lumumba Plot". Foreign Affairs magazine executive editor Stuart Reid recounted the ouster and assassination of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1960-61. This event was hosted by the Africa Center in New York City.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
3:57 AM EST
Stuart Reid, "The Lumumba Plot". Foreign Affairs magazine executive editor Stuart Reid recounted the ouster and assassination of Prime Minister Patrice Lumumba of the Democratic Republic of the Congo in 1960-61. This event was hosted by the Africa Center in New York City.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
4:20 AM EST
Michael Hardt, "The Subversive Seventies". Duke University literature professor Michael Hardt discussed revolutionary political movements during the 1970s and how they shaped subsequent activism. This event took place at Making Worlds Bookstore in Philadelphia.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
5:13 AM EST
Historic Campaign Speeches: John Edwards 2008 Nevada Campaign Rally. Former Senator John Edwards held a campaign rally at the Henderson Convention Center in advance of the January 19 Nevada caucuses. He spoke about his plans to help middle- and lower-class Americans through tax, trade, and health care reform. After speaking, he took questions from the audience and then spoke with the press. Jerri Strasser, SEIU Local 1107 member, spoke before Senator Edwards.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
5:38 AM EST
Historic Campaign: Speeches Mitt Romney 2012 Nevada Caucus Speech. Republican 2012 presidential candidate Mitt Romney spoke to supporters about the results of the Nevada caucus.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
5:45 AM EST
Poster Art & World War I. The Hoover Institution hosted a discussion on the origins and development of poster art and how poster artists helped shape public opinion during World War I.
American History/BookTV

February 11, 2024
6:50 AM EST
Reel America: Historically Black Colleges during WWII. This 1943 Office of War Information film showed how historically black colleges contributed to the WW II effort by training scientists, doctors, nurses, and soldiers. It featured Tuskegee Institute, Prairie View College, Howard University, and Hampton Institute and was released as "Negro Colleges in War Time." Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV