Meet the Canadian lawyer blacklisted by mainstream media
She cross-examined Prime Minister Justin Trudeau at the Public Order Emergency Commission.
She represented former premier Brian Peckford in a lawsuit challenging the government’s restrictions on mobility rights for over 5 million unvaccinated Canadians.
She filed a lawsuit on behalf of Lethbridge mom-of-three Carrie Sakamoto, who was severely injured by the COVID vaccine.
And just last week, she launched a proposed class action lawsuit against the Alberta government over pandemic business restrictions.
Despite her high-profile legal work, lawyer Eva Chipiuk has never been interviewed about these cases by the legacy media.
“We hear these ministers talking about Canadian content. That’s why it’s so important for them to be providing subsidies to the CBC and mainstream media, because they have to uphold Canadian content. And here I am, like, it’s all Canadian content, everything I’m doing,” Chipiuk, 44, tells True North.
“This is information that Canadians should understand – what actions are before the courts in Canada… these are nationally significant issues, and not a word.”