Tucker, Putin wrap up mp4
(52.78 MB, 452x252 h264)
(52.78 MB, 452x252 h264)
>>/136840/, >>/136861/, >>/136839/, >>/136908/, >>/136918/, >>/136910/ pb [Excerpt] Tucker-Putin interview wrap up A couple of quick perceptions. One, Putin is not someone who does have a lot of interviews really anymore, he hasn't done an interview in the last 4 years. He's not good at explaining himself. I didn't think. He is smart. There is no question about that but he is clearly spending a lot of time in a world where he doesn't have to explain himself. So he, I, ah sort of piecing, that's one reason why I'm having trouble thinking about an interview as a whole, because he didn't sort of lay out his case...very coherently. Though if you listen carefully, we were there for a long time talking to him, a couple of things rose to the surface one he's very wounded, I suggested this, but of course he denied it, but it is obvious he's very wounded by the rejection of the West. The United States doesn't like Russia, the U.S. Government doesn't like Russia. I think, like a lot of Russians he expected the end of the Cold War. In fact the end of the Cold War would be sort of Russia's invitation into Europe, or sort of into Europe, because it is a European country that is half in Asia. But there's a lot that's European about it. If you come to Moscow you see it, and you can feel it culturally and the West rejected Russia. And maybe, I'm not even taking sides on this maybe there were good reasons, I don't know if they would be. Ah, but in any case the West was determined not to be allied with Russia. That's is very obvious, that's the whole point of NATO, I guess, is to contain Russia, and Putin is wounded by this, he is very upset about it...His eyes flashed when we talked about that, as we did for probably over an hour. He didn't have a coherent theory that he was willing to tell me anyway as to why that is. Russia is not an expansionist power. Sorry, your not supposed to say that, because of all the Victoria Nulands and all the liars and ideologues who run the State Department want to make him into this Hitler, Imperial Japan. The truth is that's just false. It's stupid, actually, you have to be an idiot to think that. Russia is too big already. It's the biggest landmass in the world. They have only 15,000,000 people, and they have some 80-some effectively provinces or semi-independent states, but different nationalities and religions and languages that I mean imagine managing all that. They've got more than enough natural resources, they're swimming in natural resources, they have people in their view so the idea that they want to take over Poland. Why would they want to do that? They just want secure borders. Maybe they're too paranoid about it. Totally possible. Again, not taking sides, but the idea they are going to roll into Vienna or something you'd have to be an idiot to think that. It's just not true. There's no evidence of it. Actually and the professional liars in Washington really don't know anything about the area or really anything about the world beyond New York, have convinced themselves or at least trying to convince you that this guy's Hitler and he's trying to take this [?] land or something. It's, like not analogous in anyway. Whatever are Putin's many faults, okay, it's not as an Expansionist Power. So, ah I can't even recall my point exactly other the extent he's angry and then it is obvious he's angry because he feels like, Whoa. Why? I thought we were going to be friends? And again, maybe that's his fault, but he is definitely mad about it. And the second thing I would say and it's kind of really striking, is that he is willing to admit that he wants a Peace Deal in Ukraine and sort of give it away and just say that out loud. He said it a couple of different times. Maybe he is lying in ways I didn't perceive, but he kept saying it and I don't know why he would say it if he didn't mean it. [time stamp 3:43] cont...