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January 6 political prisoners claim they are being tortured in DC jail with 'ear-piercing noise'
2024-03-06 Source: Law Enforcement Today 

WASHINGTON, DC- The United States Constitution bans explicitly “cruel and unusual punishment.” That provision is outlined in the Bill of Rights under the Eighth Amendment: “Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishment inflicted.”

Someone may want to inform those running the Washington, D.C. gulag, otherwise known as the Washington DC Correctional Treatment Facility. The Gateway Pundit was contacted by January 6 prisoners detained at that facility who told the outlet that “an ear-shattering, harrowing sharp noise” has been blasted throughout the prison for weeks in the cell block where January 6 political prisoners are being held. 
It has previously been reported by several outlets, including Law Enforcement Today, The Gateway Pundit, and others, about the harsh treatment January 6 detainees have experienced in the DC facility. Detainees have reported episodes of brutality and torture after complaints about the Bureau of Prisons System and the Department of Justice were made to the media. 
Remember…this isn’t a Turkish prison we are talking about. This is a prison in the United States, where our Constitution is supposed to protect those who are locked up. We hear often enough, primarily from so-called “progressives,” about the harsh conditions inside our jails and prisons.
Yet you hear nothing but crickets from them concerning those locked up for January 6, some only being held or convicted for offenses such as parading or trespassing. These are not hardened criminals, by and large. 
In February, The Gateway Pundit reports, “two political prisoners were ripped from their cells, abducted, and transferred to the country’s most hostile anti-Trump correctional facilities” while also being barred from any type of communication. It is unknown where the two inmates, Ryan Samsel and Jake Lang, were transferred. 
Samsel believes the government is “trying to kill” him. He is suffering from a severe medical condition involving blood clots and was only recently given blood thinners to help prevent throwing a clot, which could be fatal. 