10:00 AM EDT
4097th Meeting, 140th Session, Human Rights Committee (CCPR) Consideration of Guyana
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
CND67: Regular Segment: Meeting 2 - The Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND) conducts a mid-term review to assess implementation of all international drug policy commitments in 2024. A 2-day high-level segment (14-15 March 2024) for the midterm review is followed by the5-day regular session (18-22 March 2024).
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
Special meeting on international cooperation in tax matters - Economic and Social Council, 10th plenary meeting, 2024 session - The Meeting serves as a space for diverse stakeholders to discuss key international tax issues, fostering exchange of ideas and advancing intergovernmental deliberation on tax matters.
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
710th Meeting, 30th Session, Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) Follow-up to Inquiries-United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
General Assembly: Reform of the Security Council - Informal meeting of the plenary, 78th session - Informal meeting of the General Assembly plenary on the intergovernmental negotiations on the question of equitable representation on and increase in the membership of the Security Council and other matters related to the Council.
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
Nuclear disarmament and non-proliferation - Security Council, 9579th meeting - Maintenance of international peace and security.
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
(2nd meeting) Special Committee on Decolonization (C-24) - 2024 session - Preparations for the 2024 Caribbean regional seminar (A/AC.109/2024/19)
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
Invisible struggles and bravehearts: Being a woman in Palestine (CSW68 Side Event) Women are among the biggest victims of war, conflicts, and humanitarian crises in all age groups. The United Nations states that Palestinian women bear some of the heaviest burdens in the attacks on Gaza. Palestinian women struggle with living conditions that fall well below the basic standards and survival needs and face profound challenges in various aspects of their lives.
United Nations
10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Steve Bannon AM Show 3-18-24
Real America’s Voice
10:00 AM EDT
3rd Annual Emotional Well-Being Investigator Meeting
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
10:00 AM EDT
Bureau for Management Hiring Fair - Washington, DC
Veterans Administration