The illegal immigrants are seen pulling the barrier open as four National Guardsmen try to keep them from crossing the border in the video posted on X by New York Post reporter Jennie Taer Thursday. The illegal immigrants rush through the gap opened, almost tramping the National Guard personnel, until coming up against a second, sturdier barrier: https://twitter.com/JennieSTaer/status/1770886341879885952
"A riot just broke out here in El Paso. Hundreds of migrants decided they had enough of TX National Guard returning them to Mexico and rushed the border wall here" https://twitter.com/GrahamAllen_1/status/1770893905795407959
President Biden's disastrous open border policies have endangered the lives of American troops and citizens, just so Democrats can cheat in the next elections and flood mail-in ballots with votes from illegals. No other nation in the world, not even Europe's socialists, is willing to tolerate an invasion of this magnitude that has flooded the US with ten million illegals under Biden, who reversed multiple border-crossing policies initiated by Trump on his first days in office.
Texas has been clashing with the Biden regime over the state’s efforts to stop illegal immigration, with the United States Court of Appeal for the Fifth Circuit placing legislation that would allow state and local law enforcement to arrest illegal immigrants on hold.