March 23, 2024
3:05 PM EDT
Mark Kelly, "An Uncommon Woman". Author Mark Kelly talked about Lydia Hamilton Smith, a free mixed-race woman from Pennsylvania who was the housekeeper and companion of abolitionist congressman Thaddeus Stevens. LancasterHistory in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, hosted this event.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
4:15 PM EDT
Reel America: "Science Reporter - Suited for Space" - 1966. Forty years ago, on July 1, 1976, President Gerald Ford spoke at the opening of the Smithsonian's National Air and Space Museum in Washington, DC. Leading up to the anniversary, Reel America is showcasing a series of NASA films. "Science Reporter: Suited for Space" is a half-hour 1966 NASA TV program - one of 13 produced in cooperation with MIT and WGBH Boston. This episode traces the development of space suits beginning with the Mercury program and ending with a look at a life support system prototype needed for the Apollo moon missions.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
4:50 PM EDT
125th Anniversary of the 1899 Philippine-American War. Historians marked the 125th anniversary of the war between American forces and Filipino nationalists that took place from 1899 to 1902. U.S. and Filipino dignitaries also unveiled a restored copy of the Philippine proclamation of independence. This event was hosted by the MacArthur Memorial in Norfolk, Virginia.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
6:10 PM EDT
Reel America: "A Better New York" - 1937. This Works Progress Administration film showed projects in New York including reservoir construction, improvement of parks and training technicians. Reel America is an American History TV series featuring 20th century archival films.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
6:25 PM EDT
Congressional Investigations Exhibit. Capitol Visitor Center curator Christine Blackerby took us through an exhibit looking at congressional investigations through the years, from Titanic to Watergate. She explained the steps in an investigation and showed us artifacts including a decoding machine used before Pearl Harbor, subpoenas to bank presidents after the 1929 stock market crash, and a security log from the Watergate complex.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! Coolray Field | vs. The Party Animals, Coolray Field, Gwinnett Co., Georgia
March 23, 2024
7:01 PM EDT
Congress Investigates: KKK Violence During Reconstruction. In 1871, a joint House-Senate committee investigated conditions in the southern states following a wave of violence against freed slaves and others.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: The Development of the Early Republic. Prairie View A&M history professor Ronald Goodwin discussed the early Republic and how Americans tried to define equality and interpret the Constitution in the first decades of the United States. Prairie View A&M University is an historically black university located in Prairie View, Texas.
American History/BookTV
March 23, 2024
8:30 PM EDT
Sea Chanters - San Marcos, Texas
U.S. Navy Band