>>/138824/, >>/138825/, >>/138826/, >>/138827/
Lot of viewers asking whats up..
I removed my recent videos, as multiple videos both recent and from 2016, 2017, 2018 are being flagged by some group.
False copyright claims on multiple videos being demonitized or 3rd party claimed!!!!!!
Then, same time as the false copyright claims, people from the big solar guys channel coming over to my live stream to falsely accuse me of STEALING ... the solar guy falsely accused me of stealing earthquake forecasting from HIM!!!!!!!!!! WTH?!!!
Then... a ton of religious nuts showed up in my chat room and basically took it over preaching at everyone about all sorts of stuff (to the point where I had to ask people to stop preaching -- they then started going off on me for telling them to not preach in my chat).
THEN.... my new york east coast warning from last week went POOF and disappeared off youtube -- I didn't delete it... but it's gone.
So.... that's all a bit much for a day to endure.
I'm laying low now, and just going to wait for everyone to get hit.
Peace out.
3:24 PM ยท Apr 7, 2024