9:30 AM EDT
Ashish S. Vazirani, performing the duties of under secretary of defense for personnel and readiness (9 a.m. EDT); and Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy Patricia M. Barron (9:30 a.m. EDT), speak at the in-person and virtual Military Entrepreneurship Summit, U.S. Patent and Trademark Offices, Alexandria, Virginia.
Department of Defense

9:30 AM EDT
The Court will release an order list at 9:30 a.m. on Monday, April 22. 
Supreme Court

9:45 AM EDT
Security Council Media Stakeout
United Nations

9:45 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Biden Residence, Wilmington, DE

10:00 AM EDT
NY Election Interference: Trump reply due by 10 AM in support of his Article 78 petition against Justice Merchan for allegedly exceeding his jurisdiction and authority, relating to, inter alia, recusal, immunity, and motions procedures—possible hearing to take place later that day, time TBD
Master Calendar of Trump Court Dates: Criminal and Civil Cases

10:00 AM EDT
NY Civil Fraud: Hearing at 10 AM on Knight Specialty Insurance Company (KSIC) and defendants motion to justify KSIC as surety on the $175 million undertaking, set aside gov’t notice of exception to surety, and award costs incurred by the application
Master Calendar of Trump Court Dates: Criminal and Civil Cases

10:00 AM EDT
War Room With Steve Bannon 4-22-24
Real America's Voice

10:00 AM EDT
(1st meeting) 2024 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum - The 2024 ECOSOC Financing for Development Forum to take place on April 22-25 assumes added importance, as it is to inform the 4th International Conference for Financing for Development to be held in 2025.
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
(8th meeting) UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues, 23rd session - The twenty-third session of the UN Permanent Forum on Indigenous Issues (UNPFII) will take place in-person at UN Headquarters in New York from 15-26 April 2024. Theme: "Enhancing Indigenous Peoples' right to self-determination in the context of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples: emphasizing the voices of Indigenous youth"
United Nations

10:00 AM EDT
Kosovo - Security Council, 9612th meeting - Security Council resolutions 1160 (1998), 1199 (1998), 1203 (1998), 1239 (1999) and 1244 (1999); Report (S/2024/282)
United Nations