10:45 PM EDT
A Fireside Chat with HUD Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman
Bipartisan Policy Center
Acting HUD Secretary on Housing Shortage, Part 2
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Acting Secretary Adrianne Todman discusses the housing supply shortage at an event hosted by the Bipartisan Policy Center in Washington, DC.
11:00 AM EDT
Space Force Maj. Gen. Steven P. Whitney, director of staff, Headquarters, U.S. Space Force, speaks at 11 a.m. EDT at an AFCEA Washington, D.C., Chapter Luncheon Series event at the Army Navy Country Club, Arlington, Virginia.
11:00 AM EDT
NCI Synthetic Biology for Molecular Imaging in Cancer Workshop Day 2
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
Statistical Inference - Frequentist Approach: Part 1
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
MilitaryHire and American Legion National Virtual Hiring Fair
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
Jacksonville North VA Clinic and Domiciliary Ribbon Cutting Ceremony - Florida
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
Office Hours - 36th Ward Chicago, Illinois
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
Q & A with VA - Greenville, Michigan
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
Supercharging Research: Harnessing Artificial Intelligence to Meet Global Challenges
The White House President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST)
11:00 AM EDT
Out-of-Town Pool Call Time
Joint Base Andrews Overhang
11:10 AM EDT
Earth Week - Water Day Event
The White House
11:30 AM EDT
Calls to Action for Safeguarding Seven Generations in Times of Food, Social, and Ecological Crises – Reporting on the Outcomes of the 2023 UN Global Indigenous Youth Forum (UNPFII Side Event) - Indigenous Youth leaders of the Global Indigenous Youth Caucus with Indigenous Youth leaders who attended the second session of the biennial UN Global Indigenous Youth Forum will report on the outcomes and calls to action deliberated at the Forum.
United Nations
11:30 AM EDT
2024 UN Civil Society Conference Final Town Hall - The 2024 United Nations Civil Society Conference will provide an opportunity for multi-stakeholder engagement ahead of the Summit of the Future and a venue for civil society to participate in the preparations process. The conference will provide civil society with an additional platform to speak out and share ideas that could contribute to the Pact for the Future negotiations, in line with SDG 17 and the Common Agenda's vision of networked multilateralism.
United Nations
12:00 PM EDT
Daily Press Briefing by the Spokesperson of the Secretary-General and the Spokesperson for the President of the General Assembly
United Nations