April 27, 2024
4:50 PM EDT
Reel America: "Columbia Revolt" - 1968. On April 23, 1968, several hundred Columbia University students gathered to protest the Vietnam War and the university's plan to build a gym on a public park. After tearing down a construction fence and battling with police, the group occupied several campus buildings. Negotiations between the university and the students failed and, six days later, New York City police were called in. Protesters and bystanders were beaten and seven hundred were arrested. The New York Newsreel film collective documented these events from the student protesters' point of view, including scenes with access inside the occupied buildings, shots of police beating students, and negotiations with campus authorities.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
5:40 PM EDT
Reel America: "Use of Force Model" - 1993. This U.S. Justice Department instructional video uses a dramatized protest to show police how and when to respond. The "Use of Force Model" is a scale that shows the proper level of force to be used in various scenarios.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
5:55 PM EDT
High School Advanced Placement - U.S. History Exam 2024. Jason Stacy and Matthew Ellington, co-authors of "Fabric of a Nation: A History with Skills and Sources, for the AP US History Course," talked about the Advanced Placement U.S. History Exam. They explained how this year's exam is structured, provided strategies for answering questions and analyzing historical documents.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
6:00 PM EDT
Online: VORSOC (Veteran Out-Reach, Special Operations Command) Gaming VA General Q&A
Veterans Administration

April 27, 2024
6:29 PM EDT
Falcon 9 2017

April 27, 2024
7:00 PM EDT
Congress Investigates: 1973-74 Watergate Hearings. In 1973-74, lawmakers examined events surrounding the 1972 break-in at Democratic National Committee headquarters in Washington, DC. The investigation led to the resignation of President Richard Nixon.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Reagan's 1982 Address to Parliament. President Ronald Reagan's 1982 address to the British Parliament was the topic of a class taught by University of Kansas political communication professor Robert Rowland. The University of Kansas is in Lawrence.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Standing for Your Values in a Hostile Environment - David Henrie, Actor & Director: 2024 Standing Up for Faith and Freedom Seminar 
Young America’s Foundation