April 27, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner
White House Correspondents’ Association
White House Correspondents' Dinner LIVE 
The 2024 White House Correspondents' Dinner takes place on Saturday April 27 at the Washington Hilton. The so-called "Nerd Prom" attracts presidents, senior government officials, the media, and--in more recent years--Hollywood stars. Saturday Night Live's Weekend Update Co-Lead Colin Jost headlines this year's dinner, following in the footsteps of fellow comedians Darrell Hammond, Jay Leno, Stephen Colbert, Conan O'Brien, Keegan-Michael Key, and Trevor Noah. The 103-year-old event is a celebration of the First Amendment, with proceeds going towards the work of the White House Correspondents' Association and the journalists who cover the presidency, as well as scholarships and other awards. Every president since Calvin Coolidge in 1924 has attended at least once during their time in office, except for former President Donald Trump. However, he did attend the dinner in 2011 as a private citizen. President Biden is expected to attend this year's event, his third since taking office. C-SPAN has covered the dinner since 1988 when Ronald Reagan attended in his final year as president, and again every year since 1992, except when it took a two-year hiatus during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2021 and 2022.

April 27, 2024
8:00 PM EDT
Online: James A Haley Rec Therapy Apex Legends Game night
Veterans Administration

April 27, 2024
8:59 PM EDT
Lectures in History: Reagan's 1982 Address to Parliament. President Ronald Reagan's 1982 address to the British Parliament was the topic of a class taught by University of Kansas political communication professor Robert Rowland. The University of Kansas is in Lawrence.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024
9:00 PM EDT
The Presidency: President Reagan's First Press Conference - 1981. Ronald Reagan gave his first press conference nine days after taking the oath of office on January 20, 1981. Questions about the recently resolved Iranian hostage crisis and its aftermath dominated a discussion that ranged from domestic affairs to the new administration's foreign policy priorities. President Reagan met with the press in the Old Executive Office Building next door to the White House. This video is from the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, California.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024 
9:30 PM EDT
The Presidency: Talmage Boston, "How the Best Did It". What can we learn about leadership from our most successful presidents? Author Talmage Boston shared his own takeaways from Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, T.R., FDR, Ike, JFK, and Reagan.
American History/BookTV

April 27, 2024 
9:30 PM EDT
2024 Banana Ball World Tour
Sold Out! Sloan Park | vs. The Party Animals, Mesa, Arizona