thumbnail of Dutchsinse_direct energy weapon.PNG
thumbnail of Dutchsinse_direct energy weapon.PNG
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[reminder 2020]
Secretary of Defense confirms Directed Energy Weapon satellites are in space -- says they belong to China and Russia.

Quotes :  "fires at a distance" and "killer satellites"

This video was put out by the Department of Defense a few days after my controversial "viral video" when I accidentally captured the beams causing the fires on weather satellite live in front of an audience of several thousand people.

At the time, we were looking up weather and smoke for fires in California, then I caught it live..... as I was live I told my viewers to send to the DoD and other authorities immediately, just in case they didn't have anyone monitoring the civilian satellite feeds!

The beams were coming down and causing the fires, leading the fires.. it was unintentionally being picked up live on NOAA GOES weather satellite.

4-5 days later the Department of Defense came out with this video.

#weathermodification #DEW #directedenergy #laser #microwave #weathermod

9/16/2020 -- Dept. of Defense Secretary Mark Esper CONFIRMS Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) in space

Here is the beam captured live in front of my audience while looking up regular weather.. this is what got sent to the Department of Defense which then brought this response confirming what we were seeing.

Posted on September 11, 2020 by Michael Janitch
9/11/2020 — Documentation of the Energy beam – California Sept 7-9, 2020

9/09/2020 -- California Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) -- Color enhanced view