Yes, it's Justine Castreau, but it's a pre-cursor to exactly what The Cabal needs here to prevent a funded response to their plans, and it's coming.
Dr Jordan B Peterson @jordanbpeterson
Canadians: this is your leader. Not content with destroying the young, he is now going to destroy the old (after blaming them for his mistakes, of course). He's not Fidel Castro's son, but he certainly is his ideological heir.
Ryan Gerritsen🇨🇦🇳🇱 @ryangerritsen
May 3
This clip is unbelievable. Trudeau basically admits he is punishing “older generations” because now their money is working for them, instead of the kids today who have to work hard for it. How did he think the older generations got their money? They had to work hard. He’s insane.