10:30 AM EDT
Committee Markup
House Ways and Means Committee
H.R.7931 - PEAKS Act
H.R.8235 - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to modify the distribution of certain additional graduate medical education positions under the Medicare program.
H.R.8245 - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to establish the Rural Hospital Stabilization Pilot Program to provide grants to rural hospitals for purposes of ensuring local access to services.
H.R.8244 - To amend titles XVIII and XIX of the Social Security Act ensure appropriate approval for certain skilled nursing facility and nursing facility nursing aide training and competency evaluation programs under the Medicare and Medicaid program.
H.R.8246 - To amend title XVIII of the Social Security Act to modify the criteria for designation of rural emergency hospitals.
10:30 AM EDT
Assistant Secretary for European and Eurasian Affairs James O’Brien meets with European Union Special Representative for the Balkans Miroslav Lajčák
Department of State
10:45 AM EDT
Leveraging technology and innovation to enhance the response to emergencies and humanitarian challenges (STI Forum Side Event) - Innovation and technology have an immense potential in addressing increasingly complex humanitarian crisis, allowing aid to reach the most vulnerable populations in a more efficient and effective way.
United Nations
11:00 AM EDT
Launch: Case Study Handbook on Gender, Peace and Security - The Office of Military Affairs in the Department of Peace Operations is pleased to announce the launch of the first United Nations Case Study Handbook on Gender, Peace and Security for United Nations Infantry Battalions in Peace Operations and Other Military Personnel.
United Nations
11:00 AM EDT
Subcellular and Cellular 3D Organization in the Kidney
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
Early Detection and Prevention of Angle Closure Glaucoma Using OCT and Artificial Intelligence
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
11:00 AM EDT
VA Illiana Spring Health Fair (Springfield) - Springfield, Illinois
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
Monthly Benefits Clinic - Austin, Texas
Veterans Administration
11:00 AM EDT
V-E Day Observance at the World War II Memorial
World War II Memorial, National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia
11:00 AM EDT
Centuries of Sacrifice: Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders in US Military Service
Lincoln Memorial, National Mall and Memorial Parks, District of Columbia
11:20 AM EDT
Air Force Gen. Anthony J. Cotton, commander, U.S. Strategic Command
AI Expo & Ash Carter Exchange