MAY 20, 2011
Q&A: Russ Roberts and John Papola
Economics Professor Russ Roberts and filmmaker John Papola spoke about their two rap videos on economics. The most recent was "Fight of the Century." Their videos cover the contrasting beliefs of economists John Maynard Keynes and Friedrich Hayek, including government spending, interest rates, and consumption of goods. The two videos combined had over 3.3 million viewings on YouTube.
In addition to hosting a podcast and teaching, Russ Roberts was a research fellow at Stanford University's Hoover Institution and is a contributor to the blog "Cafe Hayek." He was the former director of the Center for Experiential Learning at Washington University in Saint Louis and the author of three books. John Papola was a former creative director at Spike TV and also worked at MTV and Nickelodeon.

MAY 20, 2020
House Speaker Pelosi News Conference
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) held a news conference to discuss the legislative agenda, including negotiations over more economic aid in response to the coronavirus pandemic. She said she had no "red lines" and would work with Senate Republicans to strike a deal. She also defended remarks she made earlier in the week when she called President Trump "morbidly obese," saying she was giving him a "dose of his own medicine" and stating a fact by quoting doctors. The Democratic leader also addressed her concerns with the president firing a State Department inspector general. 

MAY 20, 2020
White House Briefing
White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany briefed reporters on the coronavirus pandemic response and answered questions on a range of issues, including President Trump's tweet to withhold federal funding to Michigan over mail-in ballot applications and whether the G-7 Summit would still happen in the coming month. She told reporters the president's tweets were meant to "alert" and raise concerns over fairness in voting and potential of fraud. 

May 20, 2024
Whit Monday, or Pentecost Monday

May 20, 2024
ECB Public Holiday - Whit Monday
European Central Bank

May 20, 2024
12:10 AM EDT
Valerie Bauman, "Inconceivable". Newsweek's Valerie Bauman detailed her unconventional path to motherhood & how others are choosing nontraditional fertility avenues. Politics & Prose Bookstore in Washington, D.C., hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

1:00 AM EDT
After Words: Jim Wallis
Theologian Jim Wallis argues that a true faith of love, healing and hope must be used to dismantle a false gospel that promotes White Christian Nationalism.

2:00 AM EDT
Matthew Bowman on Alien Encounters, Civil Rights, and the New Age in America. Historian Matthew Bowman spoke about an interracial couple's claim of alien abduction in the 1960s and its connection to a shifting in American society regarding science, religion, and race. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV

2:42 AM EDT
Joe Holley, "Power - How the Electric Co-op Movement Energized the Lone Star State". Journalist Joe Holley discussed the creation and development of the electric co-op movement to bring power to rural Texas & the current issues surrounding the state's electrical grid. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV