3:21 AM EDT
Gary Paul Nabhan, "Agave Spirits - The Past, Present, and Future of Mezcals". Ethnobotanist Gary Paul Nabhan looked at the history, science, and the production of tequila and other spirits from agave plants. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV
4:05 AM EDT
Ana Raquel Minian, "In the Shadow of Liberty: The Invisible History of Immigrant Detention in the United States." Stanford University history professor Ana Raquel Minian talked about the history of immigrant detention in the U.S. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV
4:48 AM EDT
Megan Kimble, "City Limits - Infrastructure, Inequality, and the Future of America. Investigative journalist Megan Kimple examined the origins of U.S. highways, the impact on communities & whether removal of urban highways should be considered. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV
5:30 AM EDT
On Monday 20 May 2024, at 11.30, a press conference will be held in the Holy See Press Office, Sala San Pio X, Via dell'Ospedale 1, to present the 53rd International Eucharistic Conference (IEC2024), to be held in Quito, Ecuador, from 8 to 15 September 2024, on the theme "Fraternidad para sanar el mundo" ("Fraternity to heal the world").
Holy See Press Office
5:32 AM EDT
Jesús Jesse Esparza, "Raza Schools -The Fight for Latino Educational Autonomy in a West Texas Borderlands Town. Texas Southern University's Jesús Jesse Esparza detailed how the San Felipe Independent School District established & maintained the first autonomous Mexican American school district in a West Texas borderlands town from 1929 to 1971. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV
6:00 AM EDT
After Words: Jim Wallis
Theologian Jim Wallis argues that a true faith of love, healing and hope must be used to dismantle a false gospel that promotes White Christian Nationalism.
6:00 AM EDT
Yoga for Athletes
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services
6:15 AM EDT
Cary Clack, "More Finish Lines to Cross - Notes on Race, Redemption, and Hope. San Antonio Express-News columnist Cary Clack reflected on topics and people discussed in a collection of his columns. This event was part of the 2024 San Antonio Book Festival.
American History/BookTV
7:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Open Phones
Black viewers responded to the question “Who is your choice for campaign 2024?”
7:00 AM EDT
Liz Truss, "Ten Years to Save the West". Former British Prime Minister Liz Truss argued that globalism, socialism, and the liberal establishment are threatening the future of Western civilization. This event was hosted by the Heritage Foundation in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV
8:00 AM EDT
Washington Journal: Mychael Schnell Discusses Congress & Campaign 2024
The Hill’s Mychael Schnell discusses the latest congressional news
8:00 AM EDT
The American Sunrise Show
Real America's Voice