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Today in History - May 29

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Today's Document @TodaysDocument - Today in History & Daily Historical Documents from the US National Archives. 

100 Years Ago Today — May 29, 1924

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Congressional Record Most Recent Issue

Wounded Paw Project (WPP) is dispelling the belief that shelter dogs are not practical candidates as Emotional Support Dogs. 

From The Library of Suzanne Karpelès: Jewels of Early Cambodian Buddhist Printing and Modernist Khmer and Pali Manuscripts

May 29, 2024 - May 30, 2024
Inland Marine Expo IMX 2024
The Waterways Journal

May 29, 2024 - May 30, 2024
Meeting of Heads of BRICS Academies of Science
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

May 29, 2024 - June 1, 2024
BRICS Fire Drills
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation

MAY 29, 1787
Milestone Documents: Virginia Plan (1787)
National Archives

MAY 29, 2009
President Obama at Five Guys Restaurant
President Obama went to Five Guys Restaurant in Southeast Washington for lunch. He ordered cheeseburgers for himself and members of his staff before stopping to speak with patrons of the restaurant.

MAY 29, 2009
Washington Journal: News Review with Jennifer Rubin
Jennifer Rubin talked about recent news events and Obama Administration policies, and she responded to telephone calls and electronic mail. Topics included the economic stimulus package, the situation at General Motors and the government response to its impending bankruptcy, President Obama's upcoming trip to the Middle East and Europe, North Korea's recent missile launch, and U.S.-Iran relations.
C-SPAN Radio's Nancy Calo read headlines at the end of the program. 

MAY 29, 2019
Special Counsel Robert Mueller Statement on Russia Investigation
Special Counsel Robert Mueller delivered his first public statement on the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential campaign at the Justice Department in Washington, D,C. Before discussing the report, he announced he was resigning his position and closing the office he headed for more than two years. On investigating President Trump, Mr. Mueller said he was closely following Justice Department guidelines disallowing court charges against a sitting president. He also added that Attorney General William Barr acted in "good faith" in releasing a redacted version of the special counsel's report. Mr. Mueller said his written report would serve as his only testimony on the investigation and declined to answer any questions from the press.