10:00 AM EDT
Compliance Assistance for Federal Supply and Service Contractor “What to Expect: Compliance Reviews”
Department of Labor

10:00 AM EDT
Secretary Antony J. Blinken meets with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg
Department of State

10:00 AM EDT
Origins of Covid-19: An Examination of Available Evidence
Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee
Gregory D. Koblentz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor and Director, Biodefense Graduate Program
George Mason University
Robert F. Garry, Ph.D.
Professor and Associate Dean School of Medicine
Tulane University
Steven C. Quay, M.D., Ph.D.
Chief Executive Officer Atossa Therapeutics, Inc. and Former Faculty
Stanford University School of Medicine
Richard H. Ebright, Ph.D.
Board of Governors Professor of Chemistry and Chemical Biology and Laboratory Director, Waksman Institute of Microbiology
Rutgers University

10:00 AM EDT
Unlocking Department of Transportation Financing for More Transit-Oriented Housing Development
Senate Appropriations Committee
Dr. Tracy Hadden Loh
Brookings Institute
Mr. Adhi Nagraj
Chief Development Officer
McCormack Baron Salazar
Dr. Morteza Farajian
Executive Director
Build America Bureau at the U.S. Department of Transportation

10:00 AM EDT
Work and Social Security Disability Benefits: Addressing Challenges and Creating Opportunities
Senate Finance Committee
William R. Morton
Analyst, Income Security
Congressional Research Service
Washington, DC
Susan B. Wilschke
Associate Commissioner, Office Of Research, Demonstration, And Employment Support
Social Security Administration
Baltimore, MD
Erin Godtland
Assistant Director, Education, Workforce, And Income Security
United States Government Accountability Office
Washington, DC
Katherine Zuleger
President, Chicago Social Security Management Association
Executive Committee Member, National Council of Social Security Management Associations
Wausau, WI
Federal Officials Testify on Social Security Disability Benefits Challenges
Federal and state officials with analysis expertise in administering Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) benefits testify on how Congress can help address the challenges during a public hearing before the Senate Finance Committee.