12:30 PM EDT
House Minority Leader Weekly Briefing
House Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries (NY) briefs reporters and responds to questions on his party’s legislative agenda.

1:00 PM EDT
Virtual - Introduction to Ornithology With Bill Gette: Feeding Ecology
Friends of the Ashland Public Library

1:00 PM EDT
Altering the Narrative: An Integrative Approach to Reduce Stigma Towards Substance Use Population in Healthcare
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
NINR Director's Lecture - Maternal Health
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Special Event: Single-Cell Spatial Transcriptomics
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services

1:00 PM EDT
Orientation to Legal Research Webinar: Federal Legislative History
Law Library of Congress

1:00 PM EDT
Acting Under Secretary for Political Affairs John Bass meets with Iraqi Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Fuad Hussein
Department of State

1:15 PM EDT
Towards advancing the Pact of the Future: security and justice provision as a means to reducing all forms of violence (SDG 16.1) (HLPF 2024 Side Event) - To prevent and address many of the grievances that drive violence and conflict, justice systems must ensure accessibility, accountability and equality before the law, while placing checks on the use of power by security actors and other branches of government. Good governance, including in justice and security sectors, is thus vital for preventing violence, promoting peace, and achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
A multistakeholder global movement to drive action on land tenure security (HLPF 2024 Side Event)
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Good practices on developing a national position on the interpretation of international law and state use of ICTs - The United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR) welcomes you to a side event to the UN Open-Ended Working Group (OEWG) on security of and in the use of ICTs.
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Leveraging partnerships to promote meaningful participation of those most at risk of being left behind in reinforcing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and eradicating poverty in times of multiple crises (HLPF 2024 Side Event)
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Gender and climate, peace and security: impacts on women's poverty and food security (HLPF 2024 Side Event)
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Strengthening Partnerships at the local level for effective service delivery: Voluntary Local Reviews VLR as a tool for poverty reduction and sustainable developement (HLPF 2024 Side Event)
United Nations

1:15 PM EDT
Reinforcing Mauritania's transformative journey for more resilient and sustainable future advancing 2030 Agenda and the SDGs (HLPF 2024 Side Event)
United Nations

1:20 PM EDT
President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST): Research and Researchers on the Horizon
The White House