0:00 The Scandal in Guatemala Intro
4:20 Interview Begins - Explaining the AG’s letter about child trafficking at the US border that the US government may be involved in.
7:12 Clarifying that this investigation involves sexual crimes against children.
8:24 Is there any explanation for the fact that 70% of all unaccompanied minors at the border come from either Guatemala or Honduras that isn’t rooted in child trafficking?
9:14 Clarifying that the claim the Guatemalan AG has includes claims that US officials and Guatemalan officials are allowing this trafficking.
9:40 Did they know Jill Biden used to be the chair of the NGO they raided recently?
12:15 Information on Biden Admin cutting off communication over certain AG office employees being fired by the current AG of Guatemala.
13:27 Does the US affect prosecution rates in Central America with pressure?
14:59 Addressing the media silence in this case
16:00 Bombshell: Secretary General says person sent by US Embassy came to warn him that he was “playing with fire” by doing this interview with me.
18:36 Has the Biden Admin reached out about the allegations of trafficking to figure out how to fix this?
19:43 Did the US Embassy want the Secretary General to cancel this interview?
20:27 Exposing mysterious individual payments made by the US to individuals in Guatemala with redacted names.
23:38 What influence are people like George Soros having with their money in Central America?
25:25 Is the US funding NGO’s that work with Cartels?25:50 Why is the US paying $125,000 for Shamans/indigenious healers in Guatemala?
28:00 Exposing nearly $500,000 the US sent to benefit far left gender ideology spreading to Guatemala.
33:15 Is the Guatemalan government being reeducated into this far left ideology?
33:57 Discussing Flyers encouraging illegal aliens to vote at NGO camps.
34:39 Are dangerous criminals able to come in to the US illegally because the Biden Administration is allowing it?
35:22 Guatemala’s experience with Kamala Harris and Samantha Power…
37:15 Discussing the horrific rape problems at the border and how complicit the Biden Administration is.
39:37 Exposing Rape Trees at the Southern Border.
42:00 Is the Biden Admin trying to make Guatemala a satellite state using grant money?
44:06 Are NGO’s teaching illegal aliens to lie for asylum claims?
44:47 Bombshell: Guatemalan Secretary General admits they have criminals on the run in the US who are being harbored by the US including pedophiles and murderers.