"Two ways for capacitors in batteries to blow up, over charging or rapidly discharging - so they spike the voltage into the circuitry and pop. The capacitor is a regulation circuit, it controls the discharge - so somehow they were able to short across the battery, a positive negative connection and boom they blow-up. If you dead short a lithium ion battery and the protection circuitry was damaged it will do exactly that. It goes into run-away and the pressure swells the battery case and it pops."
What about other devices, laptops, phones...?
"They could have "bombs" in everything. Lithium batteries are not a battery it is device. If you open the "battery" there is a circuit board in there. That circuit board is about controlling the charge and discharge, it lights the battery charging indicator - it is an industrial control board."
It looks like injuries were in various parts of the body, looks like some lost fingers?
"Lost fingers? That is something different, they sabotaged the hardware, where ever those pagers came from is in question because it may look on the exterior like a "pager" but not on the inside. Someone will need to test for residue."