12:35 AM EDT
FreedomFest 2024 - Rainer Zitelmann, "How Nations Escape Poverty". Rainer Zitelmann discussed what Vietnam and Poland, both former socialist countries, have done to prosper economically in the 21st century. This interview was conducted at FreedomFest, an annual libertarian conference held in 2024 in Las Vegas.
American History/BookTV

12:45 AM EDT
Soyuz MS-25 Space Station Farewells and Hatch Closing
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

1:00 AM EDT
After Words: Brooke Harrington
Dartmouth College professor Brooke Harrington examines the world of offshore finance, how it works and its impact on the U.S. and globally.

2:00 AM EDT
Ferris Jabr, "Becoming Earth - How Our Planet Came to Life". Scientific American contributing writer Ferris Jabr discussed how life evolved on earth and whether it is an interconnected system. The Secret Science Club provided this virtual event.
American History/BookTV

3:00 AM EDT
Opening remarks by Board member Mr Frank Elderson at summit on Real estate climate data industry good practices organised by the European Central Bank in Frankfurt, Germany
European Central Bank

3:40 AM EDT
Neil King, "American Ramble". Former Wall Street Journal reporter Neil King discussed his book "American Ramble" - about his nearly 300 mile walk from Washington, DC, to New York City - with radio host Bill Press. This event was hosted by the Hill Center in Washington, DC.
American History/BookTV

4:00 AM EDT
21st Meeting - 57th Regular Session of Human Rights Council - 57th regular session of the Human Rights Council (09 September – 11 October 2024)
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
492nd Meeting, 27th Session, Committee on Enforced Disappearances (CED) - Opening of session
United Nations

4:00 AM EDT
Soyuz MS-25 Space Station Undocking
National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA)

4:35 AM EDT
Shannon Vallor, "The AI Mirror - How to Reclaim Our Humanity in an Age of Machine Thinking"
American History/BookTV
University of Edinburgh philosophy professor Shannon Vallor argued that artificial intelligence reflects humanity's flaws because it is based on human data. Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge, Massachusetts, hosted this event.

5:40 AM EDT
Jesselyn Cook, "The Quiet Damage - QAnon & the Destruction of the American Family". Investigative reporter Jesselyn Cook looked at the spread of conspiracy theories and the impact that the QAnon conspiracy theory has had on some American families. Harvard Bookstore in Cambridge, Massachusetts, hosted this event.
American History/BookTV

6:00 AM EDT
Q&A: James Allen, Jr.
James Allen Jr., co-author of “Not My Chair,” talks about the 1980 murder of a 22-year-old man that landed him in prison for 26 years, including 4 years on death row, and the life he has led since being paroled in 2008.

6:00 AM EDT
Virtual Fitness - Strength & Stability
National Institutes of Health, Department of Health and Human Services