
Are there organized crime groups in Seattle?

Alexander Ferrara
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John Lorentz, lives in Seattle, WA (1951-present) Author has 69 answers and 529.9K answer views7y

It depends on what you mean by Organized Crime? As a real life member of Organized Crime I can tell you I have done business in Seattle with mobster types.
Alot of Organized Crime in Seattle and Washington in general have been committed by 1%er motorcycle clubs.
However not all Bikers are criminals that are members of 1%er clubs. The most renowned clubs in Washington that you might on occasion see flying their colors are Brother Speed MC, Free Souls, Hells Angels, Bandidos, Gypsy Joker MC, Mongols and various small clubs. Though the Vagos don't claim an official chapter in Seattle they have been known to pay a visit to family, friends and supporters in the area.
As for La Cosa Nostra there are a few small families. As for Colacurcio he was officially a part of the Bonnano Seattle chapter although it took him decades to get the blessing to operate as an official Bonnano charter.
In the late 80s and the 90s I travelled to Seattle quite often. As you may know Colacurcio controlled the Seattle stripclubs for decades. On one particular visit in a skyscraper office I was with representatives of the Bonnano family whom officially recognized Colacurcio as a Caporegime. This meant in mafia talk that he was a sort of “regional representative” for the Bonnano family and was the head of his own family in Seattle. He was basically the head of a crew that had the blessing from the Bonnano borgata in New York and Montreal as well as other charters across the world. Unlike typical mafia protocol he didn't regularly meet with the underboss or the Don in New York (Arizona) instead he would fly to Canada where he would discuss business with other Caporegime. They often would fly to him as well. He also had ties to Vincent Basciano whom was a Caporegime in the Bonnano at the time of the meeting in Seattle.
As far as control of the turf in a Mafia sense it's mostly controlled by the Triads, South America Drug Cartels and Ukrainian Mafia. However the Russian Mafia and the Albanians have a strong presence in Washington as well. The Serbian Mafia is there as well who are often mistaken for being Russian, Italian or Latino mostly because of their accent, language and skin color. The Chechens (Obshchina) operate secretly in Seattle with direct ties to Grozny; they are often mistaken to be Arabic, Latino or Russian. The Yakuza is there as well in certain areas as well as other bands of criminals.
