Expect both types of dispute mechanisms in voting to be used

Bev Harris
Expect both types of dispute mechanisms to be used, and perhaps each side cross-fighting by launching their own contests.
Each state and each dispute mechanism has different timelines and rules.

1. Recounts: Recounts can't be filed until 5-10 days after election.
Recounts are usually quite restricted, the idea being that they simply confirm the count. Usually done on machines just like original count.

2. Contests: usually can't be filed until recount period has finished, generally around Thanksgiving but varies.
Contests are where you get into irregularities & audit data. The game here is that they fight access to key auditing docs needed to prove harm.
Which documents are needed varies depending on the irregularities, there are usually multiple irregularities, and issues need to be spotted quickly but without access to necessary data. (Got it?)

In general the sum of the unfixable irregularities must be greater than the vote spread.

Marc Elias and gang already know exactly which holes to exploit so expect a knife fight.

12:41 PM ยท Nov 8, 2024